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Ai Tel supply and install the full range of Cisco IP Phones, and video capable devices. Please contact us for more details and pricing.

Cisco VT Advantage

Cisco IP Phone carries voice, PC displays video
Cisco VT Advantage software & Cisco VT Camera
Supports SCCP IP communicator, and the Cisco IP Phones models: 7985G, 7975G, 7971G, 7970G, 7965G, 7962G, 7961G, 7960G, 7945G, 7942G, 7941G, 7940G

SCCP Video Endpoints

Tanberg video endpoints replicates the IP phone experience including softkey and XML IP Phone service.

H323 Video Conferencing

Some existing H323 video conference equipments can be used with AiTel IP Telephony.

Ciso IP Phones

Solid, inviting, simple-to-use, functional, and great features. Supports SCCP IP communicator and Softphone, and the Cisco IP Phones models: 7985G, 7975G, 7971G, 7970G, 7965G, 7962G, 7961G, 7960G, 7945G, 7942G, 7941G, 7940G,7937G, 7936G, 7935G, 7925G, 7921G, 7920G, 7912G, 7911G, 7910G, 7906G, 7905G, 7902G, ATA188, ATA186